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In life, we struggle in response to several conditions without a conscious choice. We seek escape but eventually get acclimatized with all this process. This frustration leaves a permanent mark on the personality. My work is about my immersions with that conditioning and training. The feelings cannot be expressed with words are portrayed in the paintings. The threads shows how we are entangled in the thorns of other people’s expectations and discrepancies of life. It reveals the exasperating part of that process. Flowers with thorns represents pleasure with pain. There is an added element of silk threads in the work that proposes the painfully delicate yet surprisingly strong, these silky strands resemble love. But for the love to endure, silk worms eventually die. The phenomena is depicted in the work as love denotes positivity but requires sacrifice. We can love the imperfections, the incompleteness and impermanence that leave several marks in our lives. These marks can be cherished as precious scars because they make us feel stronger and wiser. These patches still make us beautiful. Furthermore, a chameleon is used as a metaphor for it’s the reversibly color changing nature. The defense mechanism which shows adaptation against life’s strict situations. Adaptation, adjustment and finally acceptance are the key elements for positivity and survival in this life.

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